"That creativity that we all crave and want to engage with
is something that is on such an individual level, and it's hard
for schools and art communities to actually program that,"
Andrew said. " What we are all waiting for and kind of eager
for are some venues that help make that happen or artists in
the community that want to be engaged with the communi-
With the hope of opening of the theater within the next
few years, Andrew and Jabaut look for ward to their visitors'
first experiences with their community's new space awaiting
their arrivals.
" We're hoping people will have this thing where they're
like, 'Oh! These are two guys who bought a theater and are
putting up art,' not realizing that for well over twenty years,
we've been making art events. We're glad you think of this as
YOU discovered this space in this small town, this self-discov-
ered space that ever yone walks into — again, like that Harr y
Potter house that comes out of nowhere. We want you to be
blown away by this great experience of art — and hopefully
good food and pastries and some coffee. We want people to
have a great time there and want to come back with other
people to enjoy it, too."
To donate to the ongoing renovation
project of the AuSable Theater, visit