LOCALadk Magazine

LOCALadk Spring 2023

LOCALadk Magazine

Issue link: https://localadkmagazine.uberflip.com/i/1495518

Contents of this Issue


Page 24 of 63

LOCALadk 25 There are many challenges of the JLC, including rough trail conditions, challenging weather, and bro- ken equipment. I have been fortunate enough to ski in many different mountain ranges from the Sierras to the Alps, and I can honestly say that the classic old ski trails in our High Peaks are like nothing else I have ever skied. They are tight, narrow, and technical. Of- ten the only time you get to get a turn in is when the trail turns itself, much like being strapped into a roller coaster but with trees and — depending on conditions — sometimes a few small boulders. With that said, if you do ever consider doing the JLC, please be mindful of other trail users. Another major challenge is how quick the weather can change from below zero temperatures with winds that want to rip your ski poles out of your hand over the summits to slow sticky snow on the infamous Mr. Van Ski Trail. Your day can also be ruined by equipment issues due to crashes or just general bad luck. But to many, the biggest challenge might be before you even start: deciding what kind of gear to use on this varied route. Local Skimeister Matt Cook says "there is not a perfect ski. Either you make awesome turns in the summit bowl then struggle through the flats on a big ski, or you just barely survive up high to then easily classic ski through Mr. Van and Van Ho [Mt. Van Hoev- enberg] on a skinny ski." One of the more impressive feats that went down on the JLC route was when the local Division 1 nordic ski- er Henry McGrew completed the challenge in 7:07 with skinny classic race skis and one tin of blue extra wax. The JLC has challenges unique from your typical outdoor adventure, and with them comes the unique reward of knowing you've accomplished something outside of the norm. With all of that said this is a route that takes preparation, ski skills, and a sense of humor. One of the fastest skimo races in the east and current- ly the holder of the fastest known time (5:05) on the JLC, Jan Welford, says "the JLC is the toughest "offi- cial backcountry ski challenge I know of and it really shows off the rugged ski trails of the Adirondacks." With great risk comes great reward, but please come prepared! Eric Adsti Photo The author enjoying a sunset from the first stop on the course. A skier descends from Mt. Marcy, the highest point in New York, and roughly halfway through the JLC.

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