LOCALadk Magazine

LOCALadk Spring 2023

LOCALadk Magazine

Issue link: https://localadkmagazine.uberflip.com/i/1495518

Contents of this Issue


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LOCALadk 33 On January 14th at 4:00 in the morning, the adven- ture began with a long bus ride down to JFK and an even longer flight to the other side of the world. For nearly all of the crew, this was their first time to the African continent. And for three of these students, this would be their first time out of the U.S. at all. One student, Ashley Guevara, celebrated her "Sweet 16" birthday on the first full day in the country. Though far from the familiar comforts of home, she was surround- ed by the celebrations of the climbing team and hotel staff, who brought her cake and sang for her in both English and Swahili. Embracing Tanzanian custom, Ashley fed each person a bite of cake before having any herself. Under the guidance of the tour company Boma Africa (www.thisisafricasafari.com) with their guides, cooks, and porters, the group began their ascent on Wednesday, January 18th on the Lemosho route, a route know for high success rates due to the time it allows for acclimatization. (The majority of hikers who fail to summit Kilimanjaro do so because of the alti- tude.) The route led the group east across the Shira Plateau, over Lava Tower and the daunting Barranco Wall, with its famed "kissing rock," named so because the climber has to get so close to the rock in order to pass safely that she appears to be kissing it.

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