LOCALadk Magazine

LOCALadk Spring 2023

LOCALadk Magazine

Issue link: https://localadkmagazine.uberflip.com/i/1495518

Contents of this Issue


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LOCALadk 9 Contents LOCALadk Spring: A Love Story Up and Comer: Just a Teen living in the ADK Low and Slow: Barbecue in the Adirondacks Johannsen's Last Call Epic Journey: Northwood on Kili Perspectives of a Spring Birder Silver Lake Bog The Good Bite Kitchen Recipe: Spring Green Curry Broth Bowl The Adventures of Acorn Whimsy Gear Review: The NRS Nomad Drysuit Britta Hennessy and her boys live by a motto: "Let's make THIS our best day, every single day." Hennessy details how her family embraces the sogginess of an ADK spring day and some suggestions on how to make this spring one to remember. Grey Gardner is LOCALadk's featured up and comer. Read along as Grey shares his love of living in the Adirondacks, the joy he feels when taking photos, and his appreciation of beauty in the natural world. Paul Sorgule provides a mouth-watering journey through the world of barbeque, from the spaces where barbeque began to the flavors that inspire different regions, and of- fers a glimpse into the Adirondack's very own West Shore BBQ. Bill Frazer writes about a backcountry undertaking of his own creation—"Johannsen's Last Call," a demanding ski tour not for the faint of heart—and the fulfillment that comes with being challenged. Noël Carmichael re-lives the Northwood Outing Club's once-in-a-lifetime experience of summiting Mount Kilimanjaro this past Janurary with ten students of the Northwood School. Janelle Jones shares her love for birding in the Adirondacks in springtime and the joy of finding your first warbler of the new year. Janelle includes photos of some feathered friends and suggestions as to where to find them. Aurora Wheeler invites readers for a gentle walk along the boardwalk of the Silver Lake Bog. Read about the flora and fauna for a tranquil experience amongst one of the most precious bogs of the Adirondacks. Sydney Aveson introduces a familiar face in a new space, Kayte Billerman of The Good Bite Kitchen. At her new location in Lake Placid, The Good Bite Kitchen is where flavor and sustainability combine to provide delicious, healthy meals to enjoy at home. Kayte Billerman offers a recipe sure to fuel the body, warm the belly, and fulfill the soul. Follow Billerman's guide to making your very own homemade broth. Add your own favor- ite broth bowl add-ins or borrow ideas from Billerman's list of her personal favorites! Rhiannon Adsit interviews artist and photographer Jody Hildreth, creator of an adventur- ous little acorn figurine named Acorn Whimsy that you won't soon forget. Enjoy photos of Acorn Whimsy and his friends enjoying on the outdoors, including the Adirondacks! Danny Mongo writes a gear review that will inspire fellow-paddlers who dare to enter spring's frigid waters to consider adding NRS's Nomad Dry Suit to their gear collection. 12 16 20 24 30 40 44 48 52 54 62

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