LOCALadk Magazine

LOCALadk Summer 2023

LOCALadk Magazine

Issue link: https://localadkmagazine.uberflip.com/i/1501551

Contents of this Issue


Page 17 of 63

LOCALadk 18 So, here's my top ten list of adventures to have with your kids in the ADK (all near Inlet): 1. Seventh Lake Beach: So many secret spots to explore, it's like a treasure hunt! 2. Moss Lake Hike: Bridges, water, and plen- ty of opportunities to cool off. 3. Arrowhead Park Beach: Sandy, clean, and with easy access to bathrooms. And play- grounds! 4. Northern Lights Ice Cream: I'm pretty sure my kids would stage a revolt if we skipped this spot even for one day in the summer. 5. Fern Park and McCauley Mountain Bike Trails: My husband's idea of fun, but the kids love it too. 6. Kayaking the Moose River: A moment of zen amidst all the chaos. 7. Ferds Bog Hike: I cannot mention this hike enough! Floating dock paths make this adventure the BEST for little feet. 8. Driving Uncas Road: Grab some essentials at the Raquette Lake general store and don't forget the ice cream! 9. Payne's Seaplane Rides: My boys are ob- sessed with this, and summer is the per- fect time to soar above the Adirondacks. 10. Inlet Fireworks on the Fourth of July: An experience that I could write an entire book about.

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