LOCALadk Magazine

LOCALadk Summer 2023

LOCALadk Magazine

Issue link: https://localadkmagazine.uberflip.com/i/1501551

Contents of this Issue


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LOCALadk 7 A M E S S A G E F R O M R H I A N N O N LOCALadk & In February 2022, an email appeared in my inbox from the one and only Anne Brewer. My expectation was to open a message with a request to write a story for LOCALadk Magazine, a publication my now-hus- band, Eric, had designed for years and that had be- come a reading staple in our lives. How surprised I was to read Anne's message: she wanted to shift away from working solo on the magazine, and she wanted Eric and I to consider joining the team. We knew we were in before we could finish reading the message. Ideas immediately started flowing, our collective enthusiasm launching us into the following issues. By the time we finished production of our winter 2022 issue, Anne threw another idea into the universe: she would step even further back, staying involved with our advertising in sales, Eric officially becoming our media and design director and my taking over as lead editor of the magazine. This time, it took us a moment to scrape our jaws off the floor before we could say yes. Any hesitation was not due to our apprehension of what the magazine entails; my husband and I were storytellers long before we met, and many of our con- versations had surrounded possible ways to join forces and lift the voices we so often encountered through- out the Adirondacks. Rather, our hesitation stemmed from the fact that it was Anne Brewer who was put- ting us to the task. For anyone who has the incredible fortune to know Anne, you know the absolute force she has been and continues to be in our community. Anne built this mag- azine from the ground up, spending the past ten years celebrating our region in all of its dazzling glory, black flies and all. In short, her shoes are wonderfully impossible to fill. So rather than try, we will simply wear our own as we walk beside her, bringing her legacy of dedicated, warmhearted, and engaging storytelling with us at every step. It is an honor to carry her torch, upholding what has made this magazine truly great for the last decade while allowing it to evolve with the changing seasons. With that, we hope you enjoy this issue and all of the issues to come. Cheers, Rhiannon Editor

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